Author Savannah

Prioritizing Family Time

I’ll be honest and admit that sometimes when Val brings up planning a camping week that my mind starts to race and sometimes my first response is, “no – we don’t have time!” But here’s the secret. We will never… Continue Reading →

Building Our Backyard Oasis with Presidential Pools

To build or not to build? That was the question. We actually had our house listed on the market for about two months this Spring. We had gone back and forth a bit, but ultimately decided that our family really… Continue Reading →

What is overlanding, exactly?

Lately, I’ve been adding #overlandfam to a lot of my Instagram posts. It’s taken me a little while to own our place as an overlanding family. I often get asked though, what does mean to “overland”. It’s not a silly… Continue Reading →

The Night We Bailed, And Checked Into A Hotel

For our family summer vacation this year, we had originally planned a two-week adventure through Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. The trip was going to be centered around my brother’s graduation from Business School, but it would also be… Continue Reading →

Technology-Free Travel With Toddlers

Our kids have both been so fortunate to have a good bit of experience flying; our two-year-old took his first flight when he was six weeks old. However, up until this past summer, all of their flights had been to… Continue Reading →

The Grocery Getter

When I met my husband in 2011, I was cruising around in my E36 M3. I loved my BMW and I swore I’d always drive German and that I’d always drive manual. Ha. Ha. Ha. My new car isn’t German…. Continue Reading →

2019: Arizona National Parks

There are 24 places in Arizona that are run by the National Park Service. From our state’s three National Parks to National Monuments, Historic Sites, and even some Historic Trails. This year our family is setting out to explore each… Continue Reading →

Butcher Jones With SkyPixel Media

We had our friends from SkyPixel Media join us for a day in the desert before the New Year. While I often like to introduce them as “homeless”, Blake and Rachel are on a nomadic adventure. Currently, they’re based somewhere… Continue Reading →

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